Prithvi Devi, Bhu Devi, and Mother Earth are names and personifications of the earth goddess in Hinduism. She is revered as a nurturing mother figure who provides for and sustains life. There are many references to Prithvi Devi and Bhu Devi across Hindu scriptures:
The Vedas, among the earliest Hindu scriptures, contain hymns dedicated to Prithvi. In the Atharva Veda, Prithvi Sukta is a notable hymn describing Prithvi as the mother of all creation, patient and forbearing, and the source of wealth and abundance.
The Mahabharata, one of the major Sanskrit epics, portrays Prithvi as the wife of King Prithu. When Prithu milked the earth and extracted her resources, Prithvi adopted the form of a cow and so gained the name “Prithvi Mata” or Mother Earth.
The Ramayana features a hymn sung by the god Brahma in praise of Bhu Devi, describing her as the origin of the universe and sustainer of life. Bhu Devi is extolled as the mother who nourishes all creatures with her soil.
The Puranas extensively cover the earth goddess.
The Matsya Purana has one of the most detailed accounts and describes Bhu Devi emerging from the foot of Lord Vishnu. Bhu Devi is described as patient, all-producing, and the sustainer of living beings.
The Vishnu Purana describes Prithvi as the wife of Dyaus, who is identified with Indra. It also relates how Prithu milked Prithvi to generate resources and food for his subjects, thus emphasizing Prithvi’s nourishing nature.
Across these scriptures, the earth goddess is venerated through different names, forms, and stories. But her characterization as a caring, forbearing mother remains consistent. She is the source of life, embodying creation, nourishment, and sustenance. The references thus highlight the divine and maternal nature of Prithvi Devi or Bhoomi Devi in Hindu theology.